You will need a dump of your flash or be able to access and read/write it in someway.
You will find section 0 EID0 which will look like...
00000000 00 00 00 01 00 89 00 0B 14 00 EF DD CA 25 52 66 .....‰....ïÝÊ%Rf 00000010 00 12 00 0B 81 2E 00 A9 59 75 01 CC C1 72 D5 50 .......©Yu.ÌÁrÕP
This part you will be looking at....
00000000 00 00 00 01 00 89 00 0B 14 00 EF DD CA 25 52 66 .....‰....ïÝÊ%R
his is your IDPS, the 6th byte in there is your Target ID, which is what kind of PS3 your's is. (Retail USA, Retail U.K., e.t.c.)
So in this code;
00000000 00 00 00 01 00 89 00 0B 14 00 EF DD CA 25 52 66 .....‰....ïÝÊ%Rf
The 6th byte which is 89; 89 is equal to Retail Australia/New Zeland.
Now say you want to put your PS3 into Debugger mode; you would have to change the 89 (which by the way, is a hexadecimal) and the code for System Debugger is... A0. Now, when you change the code it will look something like this...
00000000 00 00 00 01 00 A0 00 0B 14 00 EF DD CA 25 52 66 .....*....ïÝÊ%RNow you will just put this back into your NAND (where the flash is located), or NOR (if you are on slim).
This concludes Changing your PS3's IDPS and putting it into Debugger mode.
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